care + support

Whether you are dealing with a personal crisis, struggling with mental health, or just need someone to talk to, we are here to walk alongside you on your journey.

We are committed to providing holistic care that addresses your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and we welcome anyone who is seeking comfort and support to reach out to us.

pastoral support for life events

Our pastoral team offers various services for life events such as hospital visits, counseling referrals, support for weddings, funerals, and other significant life events.

We believe that these moments are an opportunity to experience God's love and grace in tangible ways, and we aim to make these experiences as meaningful and comforting as possible.

If you or a loved one are facing a significant life event, please do not hesitate to contact our pastoral care team. We are here for you and want to offer our support in any way we can.

meet with a pastor

Our pastors are committed to listening, offering support, and providing guidance from a faith perspective. They can help you navigate through life's challenges, offer spiritual guidance, and connect you with other resources as needed.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to receive care and support, and we are here to walk alongside you on your journey. Whether you are dealing with a personal crisis, struggling with mental health issues, or just need someone to talk to, our pastors are here to help.

We encourage you to reach out to us to schedule a meeting with one of our pastors, either in person or virtually.


When you find yourself in a crisis or transitional season, having the time and energy to cook meals for you and/or your family can become difficult. As a community, we desire to love one another in tangible ways. Providing meals for those in our congregation that are in need of them is just one way we can do this. If you are in need of meals, you can fill out the form below. After you do so, we will be in touch with you very soon!

If you would like to be added to the list of those who receive information about upcoming meal trains, please contact 

need prayer?

We are a church centered around scripture, worship, communion, and prayer. One of the ways we wish to live out this value is by prioritizing being in prayer for each other and with each other. If you have a prayer request, please share it with us via our prayer form below. This form will be received by our communications + connections volunteer, Grace Zuercher. 

Tuesday Prayer Meeting - Every Tuesday night, we have a group of people who gather on zoom to pray for our church, our local communities, and our world. If you would like to attend, please email for the zoom meeting link.

area resources

At some point, we all will find ourselves in a situation where we are in need of resources that go beyond what we can provide ourselves. There are organizations that exist to provide these resources when we find ourselves in need of them. If you are in need of a resource that you do not see below, please contact us at We would love to connect you with what you need in your area.

Want to help in one of the areas listed above?

If you have gifts, talents, or resources that you believe would help us in our efforts to serve our community in one of the areas listed above, please contact us! We would love to have you be a part of loving our community through care and support.
